Alchemy Energetics
Alchemy Energetics is a powerful system of spiritual and shamanic healing
and the awakening of human consciousness using universal symbology.
This extremely high-vibrational healing modality draws from the ancient
and contemporary symbolism of many spiritual and shamanic traditions.
Learn about the history, application, and sacred symbols of Alchemy
Energetics and the Alchemy of the Divine Collective.
Level 1 - Spiritual Healing
• Receive a sacred attunement to Alchemy Energetics
• Learn the background of Alchemy Energetics
• Understand Alchemy (divine magic) and modern shamanism
• Discover the different uses of the universal spiritual symbols
• Learn and practice an alchemy healing session
• Understand other uses of the system including distance sessions, working
with groups or situations and space clearing.
(Dates to be announced)
Alchemy Energetics…
Level 2 - Shamanic Healing
• Review level one of Alchemy Energetics
• Receive an additional sacred attunement
• Deepen your understanding of Alchemy (divine magic) and modern
• Discover the different uses of the ancient Shamanic symbols and
contemporary energy tools
• Learn and practice an alchemy healing session integrating levels 1 and 2
• Understand other uses of the system including distance sessions, working
with groups or situations and space clearing.
(Dates to be announced)
Seichem.Sechem.Reiki (SSR)
SSR is a healing matrix that is an unique integration of three related, yet
distinct, multidimensional energies. Sekhem (pronounced “Say-kem”),
Seichem (pronounced “Say-keem”) and Reiki (pronounced “Ray-kee”) work
together as a unified trinity of sacred healing energies to completely
balance and harmonize a person’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
bodies. This expands the individuals capacity to carry more light and love
and anchors and grounds the essential life force within her or his energy
Dates, TBA. Email me if you are interested as class size will be small.
JtA’s Sacred Earth Healing Circle
- meets twice per month
Please email me if you are interested in attending.
An informal way to learn and share energy, energetic practices (such as the
Munay-ki) and collectively send healing energetic blessings to our Earth
and all living-kind inhabiting our planet.